Valentines Day

Valentines Day

For Valentines Day I gave Cam the game of Scrabble and for Valentines Day he played it with me! This was one of those gifts that I gave because I wanted it, and he played it with me because he knows how much I enjoy it. Finding things to do together, (beyond raising children) is […]

Little Skirt

Little Skirt

I have been working on spring clothes for the girls, and have finished the first item of the ‘spring line’. A cotton voile skirt that actually fits both the girls but was made for Maya. Maya has lots of input while I make her things and is definitely part of the process, making her my […]

What is Valentines Day Mummy?

What is Valentines Day Mummy?

This year was Maya’s introduction to Valentines Day. When I collected Maya from playgroup yesterday she had a bundle of hand made Valentines cards! One boy in particular adores her and brought her chocolate coated almonds wrapped in hand stamped heart tissue paper that he made. It could not be cuter, she had captured the […]

Heart Strings

Heart Strings

A simple Valentine craft……a string of hearts made from paint samples. You will need: Paint samples Large needle Thread or string I cut out the hearts using a mat knife or exacto blade, but you can use scissors of course. Then thread them on embroidery floss with a large needle. Create a pattern as I […]

Creative Chaos

Creative Chaos

The weekends at our house become a hotchpotch of creativity. I am often trying to work on a sewing project. Baby Elle likes to sit and draw, and Maya goes between doing both sewing and drawing. All of this takes place on our very small dinning table. Here is a sample of what I mean…


White wonderful snow, falling from the sky, swirling dancing snowflakes, enchanting you and I. The snow is so pretty I wrote a little ditty. A snow day for us and so Maya gets to go to play-group on her sled. We were out in the snow early this morning building a snowman, throwing snowballs and […]

Stretching out Winter

Stretching out Winter

I hear my inner voice saying, “Ahhggrr… winter is dragging on”. Days feel long and dark and I feel stuck in the house, with classic cabin fever symptoms, until I remember, that it is ok for this bleak season to be long, and I can find joy and pleasure in the stretching out of winter…


In a month my Mother in law Parry is off to Japan to see the blossoms. Cam and I honeymooned in Japan, and so I was able to speak with her about it at length. After saying goodbye to her on the telephone I went to our photo library and reminisced. While it was only a […]

Rainbow Playdough

Rainbow Playdough

Playdough is a good old fashioned activity, that can provide hours of fun. I remember as a child, the joy of new playdough, I loved choosing the colour I wanted! Yesterday we made a fresh batch of dough. I divided it into six pieces, making each piece a different colour. The girls loved the sculptural […]

Caddies of Colour

Caddies of Colour

Having art supplies organised and easy to grab is an important part of making art with kids. For Christmas we gave the girls art caddies (that were being sold as cutlery totes at Macbeth Collection) full of a variety of medium. Maya’s (3yr) caddie is filled with colored pencils, coloured japanese paper tape, origami papers, […]

Budding Artist

A couple of months ago Elle (15 months) started drawing, and my how she enjoys to draw! We now have large pile of lively, colourful, gestural markings to treasure. Our budding artist producing images unique to her personality at this precious baby time of life. Every day, often numerous times we set her up at […]

Home is where the heart is.

Home is where the heart is: I have said this to myself many times in my life, and while I really do not know what it means, I comfort myself in my own understanding, and that is the things you love are with you always, no matter of your actual home or belongings , you […]

We had a gumball.

No matter what the season, nature provides materials for sculpture. On a warm winters day recently we headed outside during a break in the rain to play. Despite the ground being wet we started playing with the treasures that lay beneath the barren trees. Maya and Elle enjoyed working on what became  the entrance to […]

It’s All Yellow

It’s All Yellow

Cheddar bunnies, goldfish, mac & cheese I took an interest in American cheese and cheese products when I noticed lots of kids eating these things at the playground, and in friends homes. It seemed to me, in America many children are eating cheddar bunnies, goldfish and mac & cheese, all of which have the hazardous […]

Tipi, Tea and Muffins.

Tipi, Tea and Muffins.

Winter days in NYC can be long. When the girls and I are feeling house bound we do our best to entertain each other by making the ordinary not so ordinary.It can be a simple as having breakfast in the cubby, or putting food dye in the bath. There are lots of ways to make […]

Flour Girls

Flour Girls

Now and then (often actually) I come across a photo that has a quality that I want to capture in the photos that take. This image for instance has two girls having fun, making mess, unique to having a flour fight. I have had this image on my desk top of my computer for months […]