Earth Hour

On Friday one of Cam’s work colleagues gave him the BBC Planet Earth DVD series with David Attenborough. It is a 5 disc documentary of the Earth as we have never seen it. Explored through 13 episodes: Pole to Pole, Mountains, Fresh Water, Caves, Deserts, Ice Worlds, Great Plains, Jungles, Shallow Sea, Seasonal Forests, Ocean […]

The Daffodil

The Daffodil

Patches of Daffodils grow wild in Prospect Park at the beginning of Spring. We came across one such patch, abundant with glorious yellow blooms, and had a nice time (picking!!!!) looking at them. Symbolizing rebirth and new beginnings, the Daffodil is synonymous with spring.  Their botanic name is narcissus, and in England, because of their long […]

Study for a Drawing

On Saturday mornings Maya goes to Ballet. Happily she puts on her tights and leotard, and dances around the house before it is time to leave. When it is time to leave, through Winter, a number of things get layered upon her ballet clothes to keep her warm on the brisk walk to class. Out […]

Colourful Little Cupcake

Colourful Little Cupcake

It has been a while since I have made felt food. Missing Rainbows inspired me to make this colourful little cupcake. A lovely new addition to our play-food.

Spring Planting Festival

Spring Planting Festival

Today is the Spring Planting Festival at Maya’s Waldorf Play-Group. As it is a co operative playgroup, we are given a parent job. My job is to organize the Festivals and Events. As you can imagine I very much enjoy doing this! With Waldorf Education having strong roots in the environment, we celebrate seasonal change. […]



Yesterday while watching the rain sprinkle lightly, and the sun trying to shine through the clouds, I was in search of a rainbow. I did not find one, and it left me feeling a little sad as I have not seen a rainbow in what feels like a long time. Growing up on the sunny […]

St Patrick Day Parade

Brooklyn has an annual St Patrick Day Parade the first Sunday after March 17th. The Parade commences on Prospect Park West and 14th Street between 12- 1pm. This year the parade was a little smaller than last year, but our favorite marchers, the O’Malley Irish Dance Accademy were there with their wonderful curly wigs on. The wigs […]

Snowflake Easter Eggs

Snowflake Easter Eggs

While I am VERY happy for Spring to be here, I felt slightly sad to say official goodbye to winter yesterday. To mark the end of winter we removed our paper snowflakes from our windows. I had been starring at our hand made snowflakes for days thinking I must take them down. They were so […]

Peach Strudel

For second breakfast this morning we had Peach Strudel. I put the strudel together, which was very easy, so do not be fooled by the appearances….I must warn though, this is not in the slightest bit healthy but if you want to make something that looks good quickly, and if you are a sweet tooth you […]

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Yesterday we spent the day in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. We packed a picnic lunch, met with friends, Faith, Jasper and Carys and strolled through Prospect Park to the BBG. The Garden is a favorite place of our family, particularly Maya who has said three times since yesterday, “Can we go to the Botanic Garden again!”. […]

Wheatgrass, My Deer

Wheatgrass, My Deer

On Thursday at play-group pick-up Maya had in hand a pretty basket with wheatgrass shoots growing in it. I was delighted to see such a beautiful Easter craft! Her Teachers organised the baskets, helped the children fill them with soil, and plant the wheatgrass seeds. The children watered the seeds, talked to the seeds, and […]

Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen has numerous health benefits. One of which is that it can help with allergies. The Spring sniffles snuffles and sneezes to be had from blooming flowers can be helped with these magic golden granules. Keep spring fever at bay with natures remedy. A little pollen a day may just help you from visiting […]

Crocus Crocus

Crocus Crocus

Snowdrop, snowdrop, waken up! Catch a sunbeam in your cup! Croucus Crocus waken up! Catch a sunbeam in your cup! Children, children, waken up! Catch a sunbeam in your cup! This is a song Maya’s class sing at playgroup, it is the prettiest little spring song, that I find myself singing as I walk along. […]

The Talking Tree

This Sculpture is on 2nd Street across from The Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture garden entrance gate. I pass it on my way to collect Maya from  school. It is in the yard of a private home and I often look at this marvelous tree, wondering who made it, and what the hands are signing? After […]

Fly A Kite

Fly A Kite

Today I found a brand new kite still in the box. It was on the street as I walked to collect Maya from playgroup. While it looked like a very cheap and not so good a kite, it turned out to be perfect for the kids as it was very easy to fly. Finding this […]

Daddy Time

This post is dedicated to Cam, a wonderful husband and Father. We are so grateful for the long hours he works to support our household, and value to much the special time we get to spend with him. Hooray for the weekends when it is Daddy time!

Warm Salad

While working at Citrus, in Byron Bay, Lisa Middleton taught me the art of making salads. Salads can be the most scrumptious rewarding thing to eat, and there are really no rules to making salads. The key is in using interesting ingredients, good olive oil and fresh herbs. Some people may associate eating salad with […]

Oh My Darling….

Oh My Darling….

Oh my darling….oh my darling Clementine….thou art lost and gone forever…. At the end of winter in NY it can be hard to find colour in the park foliage. The environment is monochromatic browns, with splatters of dark ivy and fir green here and there. With spring so close, I am often scanning the ground, […]


Friends and neighbors from Beachcomber Drive, Jan and Charlie came for dinner on Tuesday night. Jan arrived with a bag from Pearl Paint with a gift in it for the Girls. Maya peeped inside the bag to find two packets of Claytoon. Bright coloured clay like play-dough that never dries out. Maya was enthralled by the […]



I remembered the other day that when I was a little girl my Mother would boil an egg and mash it on toast for me for breakfast. I seemed to enjoy this a child but have not had it in years….until I made this for breakfast today…..a grown up variation that has fresh chives and capers. […]