Piñatas from the past

I have made a few piñatas over the years, and always value the symbolism of them at a celebration. The piñata represents faith, hope and charity. Traditionally participants would be blindfolded while trying to hit the piñata and so would have to (Fe) have faith that they are hitting in the right direction. With the piñata hanging above […]

Pin Curls

I delight in old fashioned beauty tricks….especially old fashioned hair techniques. Pin curls are just so cute, and while Elle’s hair is still short, we get to do this! Next will be rag curls….

Maya’s Rainbow Piñata

Maya’s Rainbow Piñata

Here is the making of Maya’s Birthday piñata, a rainbow piñata of course! We all worked together to make it, such a fun family project. I am really excited to see the children enjoy it. There will be a special surprise for them when they hit it beyond candy and treats. I have filled the […]

Party Invitations

Party Invitations

The next step in preparing Maya’s fourth Birthday party is to make the invitations! Today I was able to find the time to hand draw and paint rainbows on the invitation cards. After doing numerous, I felt that painting rainbows is cathartic….healing and harmonious! Now I need to add the Maya Girl and some sparkle….and […]

Ice Blocks

With the change of season I find myself remembering forgotten pleasures. One of the beauties of living in the moment of a season is that each season has a bounty of experiences unique to it. I wholeheartedly embrace what is happening in the present of the day. Through the winter I had completely forgotten the […]



Salagadoola mechicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo Put ’em together and what have you got bippity-boppity-boo Salagadoola mechicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo It’ll do magic believe it or not bippity-boppity-boo Salagadoola means mechicka booleroo But the thingmabob that does the job is bippity-boppity-boo Salagadoola menchicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo Put ’em together and what have you got bippity-boppity bippity-boppity bippity-boppity-boo Here they […]

Becoming a Mother

Becoming a Mother

I will always remember my first Mother’s Day. Not my official first Mother’s day, but the first Mother’s Day I felt like a Mother. I was three weeks away from my due date with Maya and it was my 30th Birthday. As was our family tradition we would have a big breakfast at Grandma’s house […]

Fun Filled Friday

Sidewalk chalk, ice creams, clover chains and fairy wings…. This was our day today! Starting early we were up and out of the house by 9am. We wanted to use our sidewalk chalk and so made our way to the bandshell, an expansive cement canvas. It was a good time to draw, in the gentle morning […]

Felt Dot Garland

I always seem to have little pieces of felt laying around and I am often inspired to make things from them. The latest creation is this rainbow circle garland. A very quick easy project. It really is a simple outcome, by cutting freehand circles, in a variety of sizes and colours and then machine sew them […]

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

Each morning Maya goes to school I try and devote special time to Elle. It is our one-on-one time that I look forward to. Chores aside computer aside. During these few hours Elle and I have no plans, other than to be together. We go to the park, we swing and slide and of course […]

Flower Faries

Flower Faries

Last night we had our second parent education meeting at Maya’s Waldorf Playgroup. This time along with the (parenting) book discussion we did craft, and made these wee flower faeries! Such cute little folk that have enchanted my girls. I enjoyed making them very much, and whipped up three in no time! I returned from […]

The Vale of Cashmere

The secluded Vale of Cashmere in Prospect Park is located in the northeastern end just south of Grand Army Plaza. It can be difficult to find and were we not led there by a friend we may not have found it. People go to the Vale for many resons, and avoid it for many reasons […]



We had a glorious day yesterday for the Maypole Festival with Maya’s Waldorf Playgroup. It was balmy hot and humid, and we were all looking a bit like wilted flowers by the end. A wonderful time was had in the summer like heat, a mounting tempest to the storm that was predicted. Thankfully the thunder […]

Farmers Market

Today I went to to farmers market to buy flowers for the head wreaths for the Maypole we are having tomorrow. The only local flowers available were lilacs, so I came home with an aromatic bunch! Elle came with me for a ride, but fell asleep on the way….how I love a sleeping baby. The […]



What a delight to see the sprinklers on today! On my way home from the Farmers Market I noticed the fine mist water spray in the playground.  I knew how excited at least one little girl in our family would be! The moment I told Maya the sprinklers were on she ran to get her […]

Six Weeks Until Summer

Six Weeks Until Summer

New swimmers arrived this week, and as is our household theme, they too are rainbow sparkle! I bought them on-line from Australia (as Australia really does have the best swimmers!). I am still getting used to the fact that I buy swimmers for babies, and that it is a seasonal purchase! Once upon a time….as […]

Spring Fair of Yesteryear

This coming Sunday we have the Maypole Festival with Maya’s Playgroup. This will be Maya’s 3rd Maypole Festival, two of which we attended at the Cape Byron Steiner School in Byron Bay. Once when Maya was 3 months old and then the following year when she was 15 months old. I love looking back at […]

Party Review

I am really enjoying the preparations for Maya’s 4th Birthday Party, as you may have seen in the Party Preview post. I love organising the Girls parties. Hosting a party, to me it is a wonderful chance to combine my love of food, art and craft and decorating. I start thinking about the Girls parties […]

Party Preview

Party Preview

Since becoming a mother I have realised that I can still get things done, it just takes me twice as long. I like to give myself plenty of time to do things…and so this often means starting creative projects months before necessary. Maya turns four in about 7 weeks, which is plenty of time to […]

Skew Skew – The Movie

Elle in motion….our little wonder on wheels. Hard to believe at 17 months old, when some have only just started to walk, Elle is zooming on the scooter down a slope. When Elle wakes in the morning her first words are “Skew skew”. Not only is she competent at propelling herself along, she now has […]