New Bike

New Bike

Maya wanted a bike for her Birthday, and so that is what we gave her. An eenie teenie hot pink and aqua bike. By 8am on her Birthday morning we were out on the streets of Ditmas Park learning to ride a bike. So far we have learnt that Maya can not steer, can not […]

Happy Birthday Maya

Four years old today! Birthday breakfast in our house is often pancakes with candles which makes for one happy and adorable Birthday Girl.

Our Wedding

Three years have passed since this magical day…..a special thanks to our guests, the loving family and dear friends for sharing in our special day, celebrating our love and watching us tie the matrimonial knot.

A Dream Come True

A Dream Come True

Three years ago yesterday, Cam and I were married. A dream come true. I recall being a teenager and declaring I would not get married which now I look back had largely to do with being brought up by a divorced single parent. My ambivalent feelings on marriage continued well into my adulthood, and it […]

Dub Pies

With the end of Maya’s Ballet season I have to commemorate Dub Pies. This small corner savoury pie shop owned by a New Zealand-er (hence the name) is a favorite place to visit. We love Dub Pies! For the past year we have been going there on Saturday mornings after ballet. With no more Ballet […]

Fairy Garden

Maya, Maya, quite contrary how does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockrel shells and pretty maids all in a row…. This week we added a bell, colorful buttons, shells and wooden beads to our fairy garden. We made button borders and bead totems and added shells all around…



On Saturday Maya completed her first term of Ballet. Parents were invited into class to see the Children receive their award, or ‘reward’ as Maya calls it. A shiny golden trophy with pink ballet slippers on it. We were so very proud of her, being so young and being able stick with it. Despite some […]

Fairy Garden

Here is the Fairy House…..and garden! What happy Fairies we must have! Maya calls it the Fairy Botanical Gardens. We have also planted seeds which to our delight we are  watching grow daily.

Shannon’s Nursery

Shannon’s Nursery

We hopped in our new car and drove to Shannon’s Nursery to buy some flowers for our fairy garden. What an exciting adventure! To drive a car as well as buy flowers to plant in our back yard! It was a very very hot day and so the flowers and plants were wilting under the […]

Soap Suds

Soap Suds

There are endless varieties of water play so we have discovered. Watering plants, making mud soup, and the latest favorite is washing clothes and then pegging them up to ‘dry’. I think this is the favorite due to the introduction of soup suds into the scene. Both Maya and Elle have spent hours washing and […]

Due Date

Four years ago today I was due to have Maya. Almost two weeks later I finally had her…and had someone told me at this due date point that I was going to go on to be 10 months pregnant…I would have cried….please no, can’t I have my baby now! Having had a drug free natural […]

A Glimpse

Here is a glimpse of the new space. Last night was our 5th night here, and so we have not been here a week yet! I have worked hard to make the place feel like ours. Some things will take longer than others to accomplish (painting and flooring) but I feel like I am off […]

Fairy House

Fairy House

Yesterday we started working on a fairy house in the garden. I built this basic structure using twigs stuck into the soil and then I wove old ivy tendrils through the sticks. I have a feeling this will be an ongoing project that will span the warm days, into months of creativity. I will document […]

So Much Fun

The highlight to our new home is definitely the leafy green yard. It is a romantic little yard fenced by ivy and roses. A lush patch of grass in the center of a unique bunch of trees. Including fruit baring edibles, Figs, plums, raspberry and blackberries. Having not had a private outdoor space for nearly […]



Living out of boxes is not so fun, and for a compulsive person like myself it is near impossible to do. Within four days I unpacked all of these boxes and haphazardly found homes for all of our things. This was the first step in organizing our new home. The next was to place a […]

New Surroundings

New Surroundings

Today the Girls and I had to pop by our new place and see the tenants that are moving out. We were able to have a quick peek inside and then got to spend some time exploring the garden. So much to discover! Tomorrow we start moving in, I can hardly believe it! When I […]


With three more nights sleep until we move from Prospect Park West, we are getting down to the nitty gritty of packing. Which is something we are all helping with in our own ways. Elle likes to help take the things out of the boxes after I put them in, and Maya likes to tape […]

We Wish You Could Come!

We Wish You Could Come!

Extending a virtual invitation to all of our family and friends too far away make it! Here is your invitation to Maya’s party that we wish you could come to! Dear Friend, To celebrate Maya turning 4 we are having Maya’s Rainbow Sparkle Party! 2-5pm, Sunday June 20th RSVP  


Balance is an ability to maintain the center of gravity of a body within the base of support with minimal postural sway. When exercising the ability to balance, one is said to be balancing. Balancing requires concurrent processing of inputs from multiple senses, and perception of pressure, while the motor system simultaneously controls muscle actions. The senses must detect changes of body position […]