Patrick Dougherty

Patrick Dougherty

About 10 days ago the Girls and I were at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens. We were there for a photo shoot with a friend by the lotus pond. After our photos by the wonderful water flowers we wandered around the Garden. To our delight we came across this sculpture by Patrick Dougherty. Take a look….

Welcome Picnic

On Saturday we had Maya’s Playgroup Welcome Picnic. It was the welcome day for the new Families, and the welcome back to the old. We fall into the latter category this year as Maya begins her second and sadly the final year at the Waldorf Playgroup. It was wonderful to see our friends, some of […]

Little Purse

Little Purse

Maya came to me and said “I want to sew Mummy”. It had been a while since she had said this, and so I said “Ok”. We went to the craft cuppboard and I dragged out the scrap felt box. “What would you like to make?” I asked. Maya started rummaging throught the small pieces […]

To Market, To Market

To Market, To Market

The Dtimas Park Farmers Market is held on Sunday Mornings along Cortelyou Road, starting at Westminster Street. This is very close to our home and so I have started going there weekly. The Children love to come with me as they know there is a good chance of getting a treat. We go straight to […]



Today was an exciting day for Maya. All summer long we have been looking forward to Ballet sign-on, and it finally has rolled around. This season Maya is studying combined Ballet and Tap Dancing, and so today we bought her first pair of tap shoes. Maya tried them on (and tried them out) at the […]

Summer’s End

With Labor Day on Monday, so came the end of Summer vacation. Teachers all across America resumed work on Tuesday and the Children started today (Maya will start Playgroup next Tuesday). Today being the first day of school for most Children meant that it was a good day to go somewhere with the Girls… more […]

Maple Walnut Pesto

While working at Citrus Deli we sold maple walnut pesto. I really enjoyed eating the appropriation of the classic. I completely forgot about this version of pesto until about a year ago when I was making some pesto and I ran out of olive oil. My pesto was still too think to blend properly so […]

A Big Lunch

On Saturday or Sunday afternoons, we quite often have a big lunch. With my focus this month on eating well, I want to share some of our meals to inspire…here is one of the meals we ate the past weekend. A roasted blue potato salad, heirloom tomatoes with balsamic, hard boiled eggs with a side […]

Pleasant Days

Pleasant Days

This past weekend was such welcome change weather wise that I want to share a few more pictures….it was an easy, relaxing time and we all found joy in the very simple things. We like to walk (and scooter ride) around the neighbourhood daily. Usually a couple of times each day. The Children zoom along […]

Midnight Fairy: Deconstruction

While I said in my previous post that on Sunday I did nothing…this really is not true. I did quite a few things, one of which was to start Maya’s Halloween costume…..So here it is, my new project, Maya’s “Midnight Fairy” costume for Halloween. Maya has been talking about being a Midnight fairy for a […]

Perfect Sunday

Perfect Sunday

It is amazing how the slightly cooler temperature of the weekend changed our days. Gone was the humid intensity we felt throughout Summer and instead was a perfectly warm (but not hot) day with a cool breeze. The crispness of the morning air had our Girls run for cardigans and tights, which actually was not […]

Union Square Farmers Market

Union Square Farmers Market

As part of our healthy September I took the family to the Union Square Farmers Market today. Where you can get the freshest produce available in the city (except picking it from your own garden). A wonderful outing for the whole family as the markets are held at Union Square which is a lovely park […]

September: Fundamental Food

September: Fundamental Food

For the month of September our family is focusing on fundamental foods. I will be buying only whole foods. Food that is complete in itself with no additives, fruit, vegetables, rice, beans, nuts, whole grains etc. We are going to make eating healthy a priority and make sure that everything we eat is fresh and […]

Three Days Away: Day Three, Mystic Town

Three Days Away: Day Three, Mystic Town

The seaside town of Mystic is filled with Maritime history. As you stroll around the streets there are plaques on house doors to indicate the sailing captain that once lived there. There are old boats, old anchors and just about everything to do with the sea and life at sea. Including seafood. We ate at […]

Three Days Away: Day One, Arriving

Three Days Away: Day One, Arriving

After a long scenic drive we arrived at Mystic, CT. We had reservations at a historic building called the The Inn at Mystic. A luxury resort over looking the Mystic Harbour and Long Island Sound. The Children were so excite to be staying in a Hotel, Maya ran and jumped on the beds while Elle desperately […]

Leaving Town

Our summer days have easily been filled in our back yard….and as we decided not to have any big trips this year most of our summer has been spent at home in the garden or exploring NYC attractions. We did whoever want to venture a little further now that we own a car and so […]

Heckscher Playground

Heckscher Playground

Hecksher Playground in Central Park, at Midtown, is a fantastic playscape for energetic children. An enormous fenced area with a great variety of terrain for children to explore. We have been there a few times in the past, but this was our first visit in the Summer time. We made our way there recently with […]