Kit + Lili

Kit + Lili

Kit + Lili are a Brooklyn based label that make beautiful children’s clothing. We discovered Kit and lili last year when I purchased one of their dresses from a local store. You may recall seeing Maya wear the pink and green dress with chrysanthemums on it throughout Spring and Summer. This was Maya’s absolute favorite […]

Enchanted Garden

We are enchanted by our garden. A few steps out side our door, it is our very special, magical play space. A thing we cherished after years of not having a yard. Since moving to Ditmas, this little back yard has been a source of joy. Summer days were easily filled with gardening, pools and […]

Farewell to Friends

Farewell to Friends

On Thursday we said farewell to family friends. They are taking the leap and moving out of New York City. Something lots of families seem to talk about doing at one point or another. Maya went to Playgroup with their little boy and on many afternoons after playgroup we would hang out together int he […]

All About Elle

With only a few more weeks remaining until Elle turns two, I have been putting a lot of thought into how wonderful the almost two years have been with Elle in our life. Elle Belle, as we fondly call her is in fact just that – she beautiful – as it would translate in French. Daily […]



You can’t beat the beet…for vitamins. Beetroots are a rich source of potent antioxidants and nutrients, including magnesium, sodium, potassium and vitamin C, and betaine which is important for cardiovascular health. The beet can be eaten hot or cold, raw or cooked, grated, boiled or roasted, in salads, on sandwiches, in soup. And despite the culinary diversity […]

For Sami

This time next week it will be the Birthday of my Niece Sami. While we can not be in Australia to celebrate with her in person we are there in spirit. I very much enjoy having a niece to spoil and each year put lots of thought into a gift for her. This year I […]

Harvest Festival

Today was the Harvest Festival at Maya’s Playgroup. Once again, this year I am the Festival and Events organizer and so I enjoyed the preparation of the day. It is a small simple Festival, that today was held indoors due to tremendous amounts of rain we have been having. Parents arrived at 11am, for the […]


Down-Under-Manhattan-Bridge-Overpass….and acronym that spells out cool. If you want to go to one of the hip, and artistic, areas of Brooklyn, then you should make your way to DUMBO. You can be guaranteed to find designer fashion and home-wares, book stores, adorable children’s boutiques and yummy specialty foods. If you walk along the promenade you […]

For Aunt Heidi

For Aunt Heidi

We decided that we would send our pressed flowers to Aunt Heidi for her Birthday and so we put them all on one piece of paper to make this picture. The flowers still really need another week of drying out, but I figured the postal travel time will provide that. Here is our pressed flower […]

Rag Curls

Once there was a girl who had a curl right in the middle of her forehead, When she was good she was very very good and when she was bad she was……still adorable! How could one so cute ever be naughty?


With weather this nice one must go to the beach! We are counting ourselves lucky to keep having these lovely post summer beach days. Despite the sky being over cast for a good part of the day I took the Girls to the beach. The cloud coverege cleared at points and while the sunshine came […]

Lost Hats

Lost Hats

As you may have noticed, Maya and Elle love to wear hats….and until recently we owned quite a few. That was until Elle started loosing them! This Summer we lost three hats, yes three! Maya never once lost a hat, but Elle managed to lose three. How you might ask? Well when Elle decides to […]

Flower Pressing

With the end of summer upon us, I thought it would be fun for the girls to press some of the flowers from our garden before the cold weather scares them away! We harvested some pretty blooms and arranged them on artist quality paper. I paced wax paper over the top and them put them […]

Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox

Welcome Fall…..we are excited you are here! Tomorrow is the Autumnal Equinox, the only time during the year when the length of day and night are the same and the Sun is in the same plane as the Earth’s equator. Tomorrow Earth will experiences 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. To many, […]

Yard Sale

Sunday we had a yard sale. We orchestrated to have it with our neighbours, and it was a success, definitely worth doing. I cleared out a few boxes of clutter, mostly clothes and toys the Girls have grown out off and baby items no longer needed. We made some $$$ which is certainly worth the […]


One of the things that always grew in our Family garden was rhubard. Planted in a line along the starberry patch, it grew all year round. Grandma often made a sweet rhubard sauce that we would eat on it’s own or with home made custard, and sometimes we would have apple and rhubarb pie. I […]

Tapping Into It

Tapping Into It

As a parent I feel part of my role is to help my children learn new skills and discover what brings them joy. If both of these things can be combined, then there is a sense of parental accomplishment. Seeing Maya return to Ballet today, and start Tap dancing has been all about this. Maya […]

And Once Again…

With the first week of school over I have had time to reflect on all the positive things about going to the Waldorf Playgroup. Although Maya only goes to school three half days, the days that she does go become a full day devoted to the Group. After pick-up many of the parents go to […]

Back To School

Back To School

Maya started back to Playgroup on Tuesday. The first day of school is an exciting day in our household as Maya enjoys playgroup very much. We are so grateful for the warm loving teachers! Bright and early she got up and got dressed. She came into my room all ready to go! Funny enough I […]

Healthy Burritos

Once a week we have burritos, one version or another depending on the veggies we have, but always something like this: rice, beans, cheese, tomato, avocado and greens. They are easy and healthy and cheap and the Family enjoys them very much. I make a Spanish style rice, open a can of black beans (in […]