Nativity Scene

Nativity Scene

Last year Grandma and Grandpop gave us some pieces to the Holtziger Nativity Scene for Christmas. I bought a few more pieces to add to it. While John and Lynne were here I  rummaged through the Christmas decoration boxes to locate the Nativity set to show them. They had not seen it in person and […]

Christmas Spectacular

Christmas Spectacular

Last night Maya and I went to the opening night of the Radio City Christmas Spectacular…and my how spectacular it was! The lights, the orchestra, the singing, the costumes, and the dancing! This was our third time seeing the show and even though the two previous times Maya has been only two and three years […]

Martinmas Lantern walk

Martinmas Lantern walk

Tonight was the Martinmas Lantern Walk with Maya’s Waldorf Playgroup. We met in Prospect Park at dusk with our homemade lanterns gathering there until all of our friends arrived.  The sun quickly set and with the darkness a magnificent array of lanterns shone bright . We sang songs together and commenced on the walk through […]



Brrrrrrrrrr….it has gotten cold, and maybe we are sensitive from being sick, but really today was chilly. In the shade, and in the wind we needed coats, hats, scarves and even gloves! The Girls and I spent two hours in the park this afternoon while Cam whittled away a freelance job at home. It has […]

Glass Jar Lanterns

Glass Jar Lanterns

Here is another lantern option beside the paper lantern variety I have been making. We made these today with glass jars, tissue paper and glue. They are a lovely colourful, very simple lantern to make, especially simple for children. The tissue paper can be cut or torn and then applied with glue to the bottle. […]

Miss A Turn

Miss A Turn

The past weekend we were dealt the miss a turn card in the game of life. Sometimes the game of life is just this way…you are doing your best, playing hard, playing well, and then when you least expect it…up pops miss a turn. Sadly for us miss a turn was a high stacked weekend. Elle’s […]

Two Sick

Too sick to open presents, too sick to have birthday cake, too sick to have Birthday celebrations! Sadly our family came down with the flu this week and because so Elle’s Birthday has been shrouded with feeling ill. I had to cancel her Birthday party set for last night. All four of us have the […]



For Elle’s Birthday party I made these little ornaments as a thank you gift for our guests. With Christmas around the corner I thought they would be cute on the Christmas tree. Butterflies, dragonflies and owls…

Paper Garland

I am a fan of flags, banners and bunting and really enjoy making them in all the diverse forms one can! In the past I have made flags from cotton fabric, felt, and now today….paper! I found an image of butterflies I liked on-line which I had Cam colour change, enlarge and print out on […]

Walk Wednesdays

On Wednesdays I like to walk with Elle through the park to collect Maya from playgroup, and then walk home with both the Girls. It takes an hours each way, without stops, and if we do stop to investigate things then it can take much longer. I love these slow Wednesdays when we meander for […]


Our Children love to do chores. Whatever it is that I spend my day doing, cooking, washing dishes, folding clothes, vacuuming, or raking…the Girls want to help. The help may be short lived, and in fact cause me more work, but their efforts and enthusiasm and the joy of learning is golden. My little helpers […]

Midnight Fairy: Construction

With a little over a week until Halloween, it is time to get sewing! I started this project six weeks ago and have done little since I first posted about the deconstruction of the dress I picked up at salvation Army. Today, bright and early while still in our PJ’s, Maya, Elle and I were […]

Golden Light

GOLD is a colour of protection and primarily strengthens the heart and self-confidence. It symbolises universal love. Gold represents the good and noble and symbolises silence, for silence is golden. He who can keep silent at the right time is a true master. In fairy tales all great treasures are always made of gold.

Brussel Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts

Look what I got at the Farmers Market last week…Brussel Sprouts! Have you ever bought them like this? I could not resist this stem of green goodness! Something you may not see every day…

Party Planning

Party Planning

We are counting down the days to Elle’s Birthday…nine days to go! The day after her actually Birthday we are having a Birthday Dinner Party. Today Elle and I made her invitations….very simple….nothing fancy….hand cut out butterflies on blue card. (I am feeling like my creative well is dry!) With saying this though, no matter […]

Pumpkin Lanterns

Pumpkin Lanterns

With a few pumpkins sitting around the house, this weekend I made an attempt at carving them. As I recall, I have only ever carved a pumpkin one before, and it was a long time ago…so I set to work as a novice. I do happen to own some tools that are perfect for carving […]



Yay! It is Pumpkin time! Pumpkins on the door step, pumpkins on the shelf, and a pumpkin on the kitchen table. While out in the country yesterday we stopped at a very sweet little nursery that sold pumpkins –  we bought a few and of course I have plans to carve them! I must add […]

Apple Picking

Apple Picking

We have been looking forward to apple picking for a long time, and since buying a car, this is the first Autumn that we have been able to drive out of the city to the orchards. I asked our friend Kristin where we should go and she suggested Masker Orchard in Warick, NY. It is […]

Crown of Leaves

Crown of Leaves

Grandma and Grandpop arrived on Monday from Australia. On a big walk through the park with them this week we collected a bunch of Autumnal treasures. With these treasures I was inspired to make these leaf crowns. A really easy project, that is nothing other than tape, paper and leaves. Such a wonderful use for […]



This weekend I started making lanterns. I made this style lantern for the Lantern Parade at Maya’s Playgroup last Winter. I held a workshop for parents and siblings to come along and make lanterns to carry in the parade. I enjoyed it so much that I always knew it was only a matter of time […]