Succulent Eggplant

Aubergine is a meaty vegetable by vegetarian standards, and so it is the perfect choice when you feel like a healthy heavy meal. The rich succulent flavour of the roasted eggplant makes it a favourite meal throughout Winter. We like to eat it with pasta, baby tomatoes, spinach and feta. As you will see, it […]



This past week we did some ‘extensions’ on Barbie’s house. It has now taken over the whole 8 cubbies of the expidit shelf. 6 cubbies for Barbie’s home and the top two for the baskets holding the clothes and accessories. We now have 3 bedrooms, a nursery, a dinning room, a bathroom and in the […]

Ice Ornaments

Ice Ornaments

I have seen a few variations of this idea around lately and thought it would be a fun one to do with the Girls…given that it is currently -7˚C (yes, minus seven degrees Celsius!). Freezing water into ice ornaments could not be easier! I added my own touch to the project by including the wooden […]

Museum of Natural History

Yesterday the Girls and I went to the Museum of Natural History. I will never forget the impression this Museum made on me the first time we went – it is amazing! Maya has asked many times to return and for some reason we have just not made it there again until now. I think […]

Another Little Purse

Tonight before bed Maya finished this little purse that she had started working on yesterday. I love the colour combo she chose, black white and pink are so very chic. Yesterday afternoon I was sewing a skirt for Elle (still not finished) and Maya of course wanted to sew too. I was not keen to […]

Maya And Her Babies

Maya And Her Babies

Today when I collected Maya from Playgroup Kristin handed me a drawing that Maya had done during class. Kristin and I exchanged a broad smiles to acknowledge this was a special one. The title on the back read ‘Maya and her Babies’. I knew then and there that this would be a drawing I would […]

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

The BBG is a fantastic place to visit in Winter. You can shed those Winter coats and spend hours wandering the warm indoor greenery. With three thematically controlled greenhouses, the bonsai museum, the aquatic house and orchid collection, a cafe and two gift shops there is plenty to do ‘inside’ at the Gardens. The best […]

Itty Bitty Snowman & The Icicles

Itty Bitty Snowman and the Icicles….sounds like a cool band huh? Well if it was a band, I imagine they would be singing some chirpy tunes with the lead singer looking like this little fellow. Introducing our Itty Bitty snowman we made this afternoon. Sadly he did not last long, thanks to Maya’s adoration…he plonked […]

More Snow

Another snow storm came our way last night. We went to bed expecting at least a foot of snow come morning. When the shutters opened we were not disappointed. Our yard was deep and white and oh so inviting! My first thought was “let’s go sledding”…my second thought was “Where is the sled?”…mental not to […]

Over So Soon

I am sure it is not just me…but don’t you feel that Christmas comes and goes so quickly? Christmas is after all just one day, and that one day complete with all the festivity seems to fly by in the blink of an eye. This year I really dragged my feet when it came time […]

Winter Rainbows

Winter Rainbows

Like a dusting of powdered sugar, the snow came down again today putting a fresh white coating on top of everything. It looked so sweet and pretty, I can’t get enough of watching gentle snow flakes fall. A small amount of snow compared to last weeks blizzard, today only 2 inches on the ground. Enough though […]

Neponsit At Winter

Neponsit At Winter

Today Elle and I were on our way to the Kings Plaza. As I neared the parking complex entrance I had the strongest urge of what my true wants were and suddenly it was not to go to the mall. I wanted to have fresh air, open space and to feel alive. The mall does […]

Thank You Very Much

Thank You Very Much

It is my own personal rule that within two weeks of Christmas or a Birthday, thank you cards should be sent out…now sometimes this does not happen as life can get hectic…but I think it is really am important lesson for the Children to sit down and reflect on the gift they were given by […]

Snow Cookies

Snow Cookies

Ok…I had intentions of working further on the snow hut, but by the following day the warmer temperatures made the snow hut look like it was not going to be around for much longer, so then I got the idea to make snow cookies. This was a very quick and easy snow project that did […]

Backyard Sledding Movie

Here is another little home movie…that has put a smile on my face each time I have watched it. As I may have mentioned…I dug out a small sledding run in the backyard so we could have a place to sled while the snow lasts. The Girls don’t need to sled a lot but they […]

Snow Hut

Snow Hut

Our backyard is a constant source of entertainment. We played in it all Summer long, and now that it is Winter, we are still spending hours in it…but in not quite the same ways! Like a child, I have been busy with all sort of backyard winter projects in the snow. My first goal was […]



After wet felting the wool balls yesterday morning, I had the idea to make mermaids. Elle’s needled felted princess was sitting near me, and I think having my hands in water made me think of mermaids…and so last night I went to work needle felting princesses of the sea. Maya specifically wanted a redhead ‘Ariel’ mermaid, […]

Wet Felting

Wet Felting

With the new found skill of needle felting I have quickly acquired lots of wool roving to felt with. Having the beautiful wool sitting around the house means my eye is always out for felting inspiration. While visiting my friend Faith recently, she was making these little felt balls. Faith very much enjoyed the needle felting […]

Snow Princess

Snow Princess

By yesterday afternoon the snow was starting to compact, which meant two things…time to dig out the car before it becomes a block of ice, and time to build a snowman! I am yet to build a snowman in the proper method where you start with a ball of snow and roll it and roll […]

Maple Ices

On our first day in the snow I was overcome with how fresh and delicious the snow was. Then and there I wanted to eat it! Pure white ice so fine and light straight from the heavens. I suggested to the Girls that when we go back inside we have maple ices. This was received […]