

One of things about raising Children is that you not only see their personalities develop as an individual, but you see their personalities develop in relationship to each other. More and more we are seeing Maya become the big sister, and Elle very comfortable in her role as little sister. Maya is more often the […]

Bunny Ear Bonnet

Bunny Ear Bonnet

Yesterday was Ash Wednesday and so with the beginning of Lent I was inspired to commence easter preparations. I have been visualizing some wool felted bunny ears for a while and today I went to work making them- the beauty of creativity, holding something in your minds eye and then manifesting it! I made this […]

Spring Blossoms

Spring Blossoms

Look what we spotted while scootering around the blocks. The early blossoms of Spring! Crocus and Snowdrops that brave the weather before the danger of snow and freezing has passed. The brave little flowers that show their colours to let us know that indeed yes, Spring is on it’s way!

Toadstool House

Toadstool House

With only a few weeks of Winter left, I thought I had better get felting. I know that with the warmer weather my feelings to felt diminish, and will not be back until the woolly season returns once again. I have had a few felt projects in mind, one of which was this little toadstool […]

A Holiday!

A Holiday!

I have to apologise for my absence of late…5 days have gone by without a post. I can’t say that I have been very busy, but I have been preoccupied. For the first time since moving to America, we are going to go on a big (meaning it feels extravagant!) holiday, and I have been […]

Spring Garden

Spring Garden

Today we commenced work on our Spring Garden. We have noticed on our walks around the neighborhood that the bulb shoots are popping out of the soil, determined to grow into Spring flowers. The green shoots are such a welcome sight. Yippee, Spring is not far away! When I was working on the Summer garden, […]

Brooklyn Children's Museum

Brooklyn Children’s Museum

Ahhh…..the good old Brooklyn Children’s Museum! Well, it is not old actually it open in 2009 and so not yet two years old. This was only our third time going to the Museum, and while it is still a really fantastic Museum, that is very well cared for I noted on this visit it is not […]

Just like Spring

Just like Spring

Yesterday we were blessed with a Spring-like Winters day. A drastic change from the cold snowy days we have had plenty of. The sun came out and with it, blue skies and warmth enough to melt the enormous mounds of snow. We shed our coats and played in the park all day, climbing, swinging, riding […]



We are good at recycling in this house. I am of the sort that washes up take-out containers, storing them in the cupboard for a rainy day. I also can not bring myself to throw away ribbons or used wrapping paper or such, so when our valentines party was over and I sorted through the […]

Valentines Party

Our valentines party was a lot of fun. The sun poured in the kitchen windows, bathing the dinning table in light. Mothers sat around sipping tea and talking about real estate and education, and then later in the day we shared our birth stories (0ne of my favorite things to do!). In between a song […]

Ribbon Garland

Ribbon Garland

Look at our fun new garland! A pretty ribbon garland for the valentines party that we are having tomorrow. I had intensions of making paper flags (like these I made for Elle’s 2nd Birthday) with some kind of heart pattern on them. I kept forgetting to ask Cam to print some patterned paper out for […]

Feather Heart Headbands

Feather Heart Headbands

Finished, and all ready to wear at the Valentines party! Today I was able to sew the stitches and bring the headbands together. You can find some process photos here. I picked up some elastic headbands from the Chemist that I sewed in between the hearts. I had intended to use silver elastic and then […]

Jazzie's Felted Fairy

Jazzie’s Felted Fairy

While our visitors Larissa and Jazzie where here I promised Jazzie that I would make her a little felted angel. Jazzie very much like the needle felted angel tree toppers I had made for Christmas and so after they left  started on something for her. It took me far longer to complete than I would […]

Socrates Sculpture Park

Socrates Sculpture Park

Mission Socrates Sculpture Park is the only site in the New York Metropolitan area specifically dedicated to providing artists with opportunities to create and exhibit large-scale work in a unique environment that encourages strong interaction between artists, artworks and the public. The Park’s existence is based on the belief that reclamation, revitalization and creative expression […]

The Met

The Met

It is that time of year when bit by bit we re-visit all the New York City Museums and Galleries. The cold weather forces us in doors and then cabin fever forces us to the Museums! Of course we hardly need to be forced to go and visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it is […]

Feather & Heart headbands

We are planning a little Valentines party. By little I mean for little people! In preparation for the soiree, today we started making feather and heart headbands. I love doing a project like this, working with the colours, and seeing them together, all similar, but each different. I worked on cutting the hearts out of […]

Valentine Mobile

The past week the Girls have been painting hearts to make a Valentines mobile. I cut out hearts from artist quality paper and Maya and Elle painted them with water colour paints. We then stamped words on them…hug, kiss, love, be, mine, valentine!

Applesauce By Candlelight

I am all about small pleasures, and about finding joy in the little things in life. I am also a fan of doing the same old things just a bit differently sometime…for example…eating breakfast in a cubby house, or having a bubble bath with food dye in it, or making apple sauce at bedtime by candle light…It […]

The Big Perfect Snowman

The Big Perfect Snowman

YAY! Today I finally I built a perfect snowman in the proper method – By starting with a small ball of snow and rolling and rolling it across the snow until it gathered into a big ball. When the snow is right, the snow is right and this happens like magic! I was so excited […]

Copious Amounts Of Snow

Copious Amounts Of Snow

We have only lived in New York three years so our comparable Winters are few, those that have lived their whole lives here are saying that this is a bumper snow season. With another blizzard supplying foot deep coverage, we found ourselves yesterday, once again amidst a deluge clean up. For some a snow day means sledding, snowmen, […]