Lego Store

Lego Store

On Monday we went to the Lego flagship store in Manhattan, located in Rockefeller Center. We had heard through friends that this is a fun place to visit – and being the Lego lovers that we are I made plans the very next day to check it out. The Girls were excited as they generally […]

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Making the most of free entry on Tuesdays at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, we packed picnic lunch and headed out the door – but not without. “My fan and my parasol Mummy!” from Maya and a split second later “Mine too” from Elle. I like to park the car on Washington Avenue and use that […]

Maya's Spa Treatment

Maya’s Spa Treatment

Cherishing my Children manifests in so many different ways. This week, in a conscious act to appreciate Maya I planned an in-home Spa treatment for her – done by me. Maya seems to love all things luxurious – and I am not so sure where she gets it from as I can go a day […]

Gone To The Beach

Gone To The Beach

Yes – it has been a bit sparse here lately, my posts are few and far between, and for good reason, the sign on our door says “Gone to Beach”. We are soaking up the Summer rays, and enjoying these radiant days by the shore, before they are no more…yes I am feeling poetic about […]

A Home Of Our Own

A Home Of Our Own

  There are not many times in life when I am speechless, but now feels like one of them. I am overcome with gratitude for what will soon be our new home – a home of our own. Hopes and wishes have come true! It still feels very much like a dream, as we are […]

The High Line

The High Line

This weekend Maya and I had a special Mummy and Maya only outing to the High Line – we met up with friends from Playgroup and had an awesome time exploring this history rich masterpiece together. It was a first time for all of us walking the High Line and we were all so impressed […]

Beach Bliss

Beach Bliss

We are blissing out on beach days while we can – Summer comes and goes so quickly in this part of the world, and soon we will be moving house and the beach will not be so close. We are enjoying the coast as a regular outing and are consciously making the most of it […]

Eggplant Pita

Eggplant Pita

One of my favorite meals of late is eggplant pita. I had a craving for eggplant with hummus and so this is what I came up with to satisfy my taste buds. A yummy and nutritious meal – great for lunch or dinner. This is not so much a recipe, but just an idea for […]

4th of July

4th of July

Happy Independence Day to those of you in the USA! We were patriotic Americans this 4th of July with a relaxed picnic in the yard. A yummy lunch of watermelon, hotdogs (veggie dogs!), potato salad and greens. A laid back weekend at our place with lots of water play and lounging around.    

Mills Reservation & Lenape Trail

Mills Reservation & Lenape Trail

This weekend we enjoyed some restorative time in the woods. Having not been in open endless woods for a while, it was a great reward. We had to drive to Montclair on Friday to enroll Maya in school (yes – we are moving soon!) as she will start Kindergarten in the Fall. I am trying […]

Pier 51

Pier 51

Named “Runner Up” as the “Best Playground Worth Traveling to” by Time-Out New York, the Pier 51 playground features climbing equipment, slides, sand play, a pretend boat hull, shaded benches and numerous active water features. Located on the Hudson River esplanade it is a great spot to catch a breeze on a hot Summer day. […]

A Hole Lot Of Fun

A Hole Lot Of Fun

It is amazing how digging a hole on the beach can entertain a bunch of children for hours. Upon arrival at the beach I had clear intent to dig a hole – and put all the Children in it! Maybe it was the 1/2 hour drive with five kids making a lot of noise, or […]

Dance Finale

Dance Finale

Last Saturday we finished Ballet and Tap for the season – We looked forward to Maya’s recital – even though we knew as it was likely our last day with Terrace Dance. We stayed throughout the 3 1/2 hour production, which included dances from all age groups and categories. Each dance displayed great choreography, skill […]

The Fancy Rose Party

The Fancy Rose Party

Oh la la, it was fancy and it was rosie, and Maya had a fantastic party! We could not have asked for a better day, it was warm, but not hot, with clear blue skies. We set up the table in the canopy of the crab apple tree against a wall of profuse ivy. Between […]

Maya’s 5th Birthday Clip

Here is a short (very short) and sweet (very sweet) snippet of Maya’s 5th Birthday Party that we had today – My oh my was it a special one! Thank you for Julie for recording our Girl blowing out her five candles!

Ballet Recital

Ballet Recital

We have an action packed few days ahead. All of which are centered around our Maya girl. Thursday is her Playgroup Birthday celebration, Friday is her actual Birthday, Saturday is her Ballet recital and Sunday is Maya’s Fancy Rose Party – An exciting time for an almost 5 year old Girl. With all that is […]

Fabric Garland

Fabric Garland

I can cross another item off the birthday party list – feeling happy with the completion of this task. I ordered the fabric last week, it arrived Thursday and I got to work sewing this weekend. Such an easy and satisfying sewing project. Double sided flags sewn between bias binding. Sticking with Maya’s Fancy Rose […]

Drip Castles

Drip Castles

  Another glorious day on the beach! Look at the fabulous drip castles we made – so much fun, and especially great as all they take is sand and water, no need to carry buckets and spades to the beach! This was the first time Maya helped make them, and I could see that she […]

Party Invitations

Party Invitations

This year I did not make Maya’s invitations – an almost guilty declaration – but you will see why! A few ideas crossed my mind about what I would make, and then time seemed to slip away with the other handmade items on the agenda (the wrist gloves, and another project I plan to complete […]

A Rosie Life

June blooms with roses galore, and we are very happy to have so many in the yard! Daily we are stopping to smell the roses! The inspiration behind Maya’s 5th Birthday party (planned for Sunday the 19th) is the rambling rose bush that occupies almost the entire back fence. With hundreds of roses blooming at […]