Kindling Bundles

Kindling Bundles

I started working in the garden on Friday – which was mostly removing dead growth. The garden needs a lot of work in my mind and we are limited to what we can do so I think it is going to be a slow process bringing it back to life. With Fall approaching I have […]

Nicki Bluhm

Do you remember the first record album you bought? Or in my case, I recall when I was 12 years old I bought two tape cassettes to listen to in a pink and grey tape deck that I was given for my 12 Birthday. One tape was Paul Simon and the other was Whitney Houston. […]

Settling In

Settling In

A week today we moved in, where did this week go? I know I have been busy but this week was over in the blink of an eye. I am sure next week will be much the same as I continue to work away my days making our house a home. So much to do […]

The Woods - Thursday

The Woods – Thursday

On Thursday morning the Girls asked to go to the woods again. The deer sighting of Tuesday was still fresh with them and they wanted to explore the woods further. I love a walk in the forest and on a hot day it is such a cool spot. We had bright sunshine instead of the […]

Chicken Sitting

Chicken Sitting

We made plans with Nina early in the week to go for a walk together. We had intended to take Nina’s dogs Yogi and Lila for a walk. Nina arrived at our doorstep with a clear idea of where we were going and so with appreciation we joined her in a stroll around the neighbourhood. […]

The Woods - Tuesday

The Woods – Tuesday

A slight walk uphill one and a half blocks from our home, we come to a shaded cul-de-sac. At the end of the cul-de-sac is the beginning of the woods. The road leads into a small grassy clearing and then the combination of domestics and native brush gives way to solid old wood growth. On […]

Our Neighbour Nina

Wow, I do not know where to start, I am brimming with stimulation and feeling exhilarated to the point of giddiness. Like an over tired 4 year old all silly and out of control. Life has been so abundant the past few days I am glowing with it and feeling the stellar effects of living […]

August Break: No More

August Break: No More

I have decided to go back to my regular blog style and to start using the DSLR again…old habits die hard. I don’t want to be on The August Break any more. I found it very hard to do less and have a blog holiday, it seemed like even when I only intended to write […]

August Break: Pumpkin Planting

A few months ago Cam became a willing participant in a pumpkin growing competition with some friends from work. For a couple of weeks he had a pumpkin seedling sitting on the window sill at work. He would mention to me now and then that he needed to bring his pumpkin home so I could […]

August Break: We Have Arrived

August Break: We Have Arrived

Wow – the last 4 days have been a whirlwind – you know those times in life when the days are so full that they all blend into one? I had to stop and think about what day it was today, and now it is Sunday afternoon and I am sitting down for what feels […]

August Break: Sister Lovin

August Break: Sister Lovin

This Summer more than ever I have seen the special Sister relationship developing between the Girls. I know I have said this before – but I am seeing the bond strengthen, and grow, so much more that I have to further comment on it. It is a Summer of Sister lovin’ and I have to […]

August Break: Brooklyn Bridge

August Break: Brooklyn Bridge

To celebrate living in Brooklyn, and to commemorate leaving, my friend Rieke and I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge at Sunset. I just love walking across this Bridge, it is truly one of New York’s finest landmarks. It was a lovely evening with a dusty pink sky and soft breeze cooling the hot Summer’s day. […]

August Break: City Days

August Break: City Days

  Pastries on street steps in Soho… Beautiful installations in our favourite boutiques… A giant helium balloon because she was so cute and the sales assistant could not resist!

August Break: Beach Treasures

August Break: Beach Treasures

Here are our treasures from beach combing at Dead Horse Bay. What a delight to have this lovely vintage glass collection. I am visualising the bottles on our fire place mantle in our new home, and I can also see an apothecary jar full of the beach glass in my future. I have a feeling […]

August Break: Bottle Beach

This time next week we will be moving and so today I planned an activity for us very unique to Brooklyn. Through our neighbours we heard about Bottle Beach – AKA Dead Horse Bay. They had been to Dead Horse Bay beach combing and had come home with a beautiful selection of antique bottles, beach […]

The August Break 2011

The August Break 2011

With packing, moving, unpacking and wanting to have time to explore our new exciting environment, I have decide to take part in the august break. This is something my friend Faith does, and it looks like a great way to have a change from the regular blog routine! Even bloggers need a holiday, and so […]

8 Sleeps

8 Sleeps

When you are walking through life and you know that life as you know it is going to end, you take on a greater sense of awareness. An intensity develops that allows you to take it all in, letting it seep into your being through all the faculties. Right now I am through and through […]

New York Public Library

New York Public Library

With only 10 days until we move house our days have been busy. We have been making a point of doing our favorite Brooklyn activities as soon we will not have the same access to them. Many of these things we have enjoyed plenty of times, but love them so much it would not seem […]