Apple Picking

Apple Picking

With Autumn Equinox this week we felt that it was time for apple picking. Once again we went to Masker Orchard, in up state New York, about an hour from New york City.  Last year we went apple picking a month later than this, which was the end of the season so the Orchard was […]

A Goodbye To Summer

Summer, where did you go? Oh, you are still here you say? Yes, tis true, for one more day, but while I am standing on the edge of the season, I feel like my back is to you with good reason. But before I jump, I must say one last thank you, from this edge, […]

Cozy Warm and Happy

Cozy Warm and Happy

Cozy days have arrived – Autumn has come early this year, and for us it could not have come too soon. The first signifcantly cooler evening last week was a chance to light our fireplace – and we have done so nightly since! I was a little nervous about lighting it for the first time […]

Rainbow Sunset

Rainbow Sunset

We were treated to a magical sight on Friday night, a double rainbow sunset! It has been a long while since I saw a full double rainbow, and this one made up for the wait. I always feel moved when I see a rainbow, truly one of natures wonders – you know rainbows are happening […]

Muddy Feet

Muddy Feet

So off we went to the woods to look for a stick/branch for the leaf mobile. This agenda lasted about two steps into the Reservation – that was until I trod in a big mud slick. From the recent torrential rains there was a small constant flow of water down the mountain, and while it […]

Leaf Mobile Process

Leaf Mobile Process

A couple of weeks have passed since I started this project, and between the Hurricane, Maya starting school, and Cam breaking his hand, I have had little time to work further on it. This week however I have declared that I will fit craft into our routine and so for an hour yesterday I got […]

Ice-cream Social

Ice-cream Social

This weekend our street had an ice-cream social – A great way to commemorate the end of Summer, and a wonderful way to bond neighbours by more than a common address. Nina mentioned this idea to me the week we moved in, which was not so long ago and so I can distinctly recall her […]

Carboard Mushroom

Carboard Mushroom

I mentioned that during Hurricane Irene the Girls and I worked on some cardboard mushrooms – and they turned out so cute I just have to share them! Each one unique – just like the real mushrooms we have seen on our walks in the woods. We have enjoyed spotting mushrooms very much and I […]



First day of School, and the only one who cried was me! As we walked up the flight of stairs to Maya’s classroom, I was holding my breath to keep back the tears. It was an impossible feat. My eyes filled with water and I blinked away the blur with each step, until at the […]

Almost Summer's End

Almost Summer’s End

Almost right? Almost Summer’s end. My friends in Australia have begun Spring and we are definitely feeling like Summer’s days are numbered. Less than 3 weeks remain until Autumn equinox, and so we are making the most of doing what we like to do in Summer. Which on an average day with no plans, seems […]

First Visitors

First Visitors

This time last week we had our first out of town visitors. Rieke and her Children came for the day and it was such a pleasure to share our new environment with them. Maya and Elle excitedly gave their friends a tour of the house, showing them their new special play spaces. Meanwhile Rieke and […]

The Hurricator

The Hurricator

Maya took great interest in Hurricane Irene, or the “Hurricator” as she called it  – with many questions and much excitement over the goings on of it all. With the buzz of activity, she too had her own hurricane preparations, which involved writing warning notes to our neighbours and sticking them on their doors. Both […]

Australia Trip

Australia Trip

I have some exciting news – and as I am one to easily spill the beans, most of you already know – the Girls and I are going to be in Australia for a month during November and December! It has been two years since we saw our Family in Australia, and when your children […]

Felt Leaf Clips

Felt Leaf Clips

Well it was inevitable that the felt leaves I have been making for a mobile would land on my little ones heads…and so we now have a collection of felt leaf clips to wear into Fall. I love how they look, as a single leaf, or together in a pair. I gave a selection of […]

More Mushrooms

More Mushrooms

I have become a little fanatical about finding mushrooms – and with good reason, they are so beautiful. After my first post about Moss & Mushrooms, I have continued to photograph my fungi friends in all their glory. I have two great mushroom spotters to help me find them on the forest floor (or at […]

Art In The Attic

Art In The Attic

Ok, there are HEAPS of good things about our new home, but one of the best has to be our Attic. I really need to do a blog about the whole attic, the space in its entirety, but for now I want to share with you one of our new favorite things, and that is […]

Getting Ready

Getting Ready

We are counting down the days until Kindergarten! One excited little Girl and one sad Mummy. How do they grow up so quickly? Well despite my heart yearning for my baby Maya I am embracing this special beginning as best one can. It has been fun organising all of Maya’s school items, and it has […]



In an effort to organise our house without having furniture to put things in – I lined up the Girls books in their window alcove. There are a few simple ways to make a room look good, and colour blocking is one of them. Putting the books into warm and cool colours, and in height […]

Two Little Trail Blazers

Two Little Trail Blazers

It has always been a dream of mine that I would hike with my Family, that my Children would grow up hiking. Since moving to Montclair, the Girls have relished walking in the woods. Daily they have said to me “Mummy can we go for a hike today?”. I have noticed that in the 10 […]

Moss & Mushrooms

Moss & Mushrooms

A few days of rain and some summer time warmth and the moss and mushrooms are alive and flourishing. Popping up all over our yard, and hidden in the woods, we have discovered an eclectic array of toadstools, fungi, mushrooms and moss. Some of which look like they belong in the pages of a fairy […]