Wednesday Hike

Wednesday Hike

Wednesday has come around again and I have not yet shared our Wednesday Hike last week…what a week it has been since then! On our hike last week we went to the Bonasl Wildlife Preservation. You might recall our first visit to Bonsal Wildlife Preserve a few weeks ago. This time we noticed there was […]

Gardens Aglow

Gardens Aglow

We have had a weekend unlike any other, and there is much to tell, and so I will start at the beginning of the weekend, which for us is Friday night. Friday night we visited the Presby Memorial Iris Gardens for the Garden Aglow. The Gardens are a two minute walk from our new house, […]

The Seasons Tree

The Seasons Tree

I started an exciting Art project with Maya’s class today  that I will work on with them throughout the rest of the Kindergarten year. A few weeks ago I had the idea that I wanted to paint a tree on the classroom window, and then make  seasonal items with the Children to decorate the tree. […]

Wednesday Hike

Wednesday Hike

We are starting to repeat some of the hikes we have been on previously, and while the tracks are technically the same, the scenery is starting to really look different because of the change of season. We are in the midst of Autumn now and the colours of Fall are all around. Yellow, orange and […]

Rainbow Ribbon Wrist Bands

Rainbow Ribbon Wrist Bands

Jump, spin, dance, sing, skip, twirl, laugh… This is what you do when you get rainbow ribbon wrist bands… Here is the next item for Maya’s Rainbow Halloween Costume – rainbow ribbon wrist bands – you will see I followed her design exactly! Created in much the same way as the fancy Wrist Bands I […]

Elle Garland

Elle Garland

I was able to spend some time at the sewing machine this weekend, something I feel like I do not get to do enough! Cam took Maya to swimming lessons and Elle tagged along and so while they were out, in a sewing frenzy I made this personalised garland for Elle, and something else for […]

Party Preparations

Party Preparations

I am toadstoolly crazy…and I have been having so much fun! With a little over a week until Elle’s Woodland Mushroom party, I have been focused on all things toadstool. I love how when I set my mind to a project, I seem to be infinitely inspired and can work tirelessly at creating an experience. […]

Felt Rainbow Crown

Felt Rainbow Crown

I have a very long to do list at the moment, feeling happy to cross this one off the list today. It is amazing how when you actually sit to make something it can take so little time. I feel like I put as much time into thinking “I must make Maya’s rainbow crown”…and then […]

Felt Mushroom Favours

Felt Mushroom Favours

We have been busy bodies in preparation for Elle’s 3rd Birthday party. One of the things we have been doing is making these cute little needle felted toadstools party favours. You might recall I made a few of these last Christmas as Christmas ornaments, and they seemed like the perfect thing to give our guests […]

South Mountain Reservation

South Mountain Reservation

On our Wednesday Hike this week (that was actually on Tuesday because of predicted rain) we went to the South Mountain Preservation. This is a little further away than the hikes we have been doing and involved a 20 minute drive from Montclair to get there. As usual we left straight after school pick up, […]

Pumpkin Picking

Pumpkin Picking

Here we are pumpkin picking for the first time! I have often thought how fun it would to wander through a farm and choose a pumpkin on a sunny Autumn day, and yesterday we did exactly that. In the almost four years we have been living in America, I have had my eye out for […]

Bonsal Wildlife Preserve

Bonsal Wildlife Preserve

On our Wednesday Hike this past week we went to the Alonzo Bonsal Wildlife Preserve. Nina suggested it as a fun spot because it has a stream and a bridge. It was my location choice this week and so I mentioned it to Anneliese. Anneliese has been there before and said it was one of […]

Elle's Birthday Invitations

Elle’s Birthday Invitations

On Sunday last week the Girls and I had a fun afternoon of printing mushrooms. We looked through some of the mushroom photographs we have taken the past few months, and then I did some drawings based on them. I then re drew them onto the printing block, carving them out, into 3 stamps. We […]

Apple Of Our Eye

Apple Of Our Eye

10 years ago I did not know who Steve Jobs was, but as it turned out Steve Jobs was my future husbands hero. Soon after meeting my husband I became familiar with this amazing man, and all that he created. Many a time over the years I sat up with Cam at 4am (in Australia) […]

Wednesday Hikes

Wednesday Hikes

On Maya’s First week of school Elle and I made friends in the playground with a lovely lady and her 2 year old daughter. As it turned out, she also had another daughter in Kindergarten with Maya. The fact that we each had two daughters the same ages is a good recipe for a friendship…that […]

Bulb Garden

Bulb Garden

The girls and I panted bulbs this week. We prepared a small garden, and planted about 50 bulbs. Mostly Daffodils and Crocus, and some Paper Whites too. Some of the bulbs did not look so healthy, and I am hoping that this corner of the garden will have enough Spring sun and that the soil […]

Lazy Autumn Weekends

Lazy Autumn Weekends

We have been enjoying some slow lazy weekends…that really are not that lazy, but feel kind of so as we have not made plans, but filled our days with spontaneous cooking, crafting and hiking and some doing nothing as well. The (slightly) cooler weather had me get the wool roving out for some needle felting […]

Tomato Lentil Bisque

Tomato Lentil Bisque

Mmmmm….Yummy! Rich, creamy, tangy and hearty. This soup is a what comfort food is all about. Last week when the weather suddenly became cold (warm again now!) we enjoyed making Tomato and Red Lentil Bisque.  I love soup and it is definitely a thing to look forward to with cold weather, and so along with […]

Halloween Costume Design

Halloween Costume Design

This morning Maya and I sat down and had a good talk about what she might like to be for Halloween. We have been throwing around ideas of a family theme, but the reality is Halloween comes around quickly and we do not want to spend a lot of money on buying specific outfits, and […]