Crystal Castle

Crystal Castle

One of the best days out we had while in Australia was to visit Crystal Castle. To me Crystal Castle is the epitome of the North Coast of NSW. When I think about all of the wonderful things the region offers, and why people flock to the area for holiday, Crystal Castle rolls it all […]

Dana Tanamachi For O

Dana Tanamachi For O

  When you hear good news, you just have to share it. A talented Graphic Designer and Chalk Artist friend of ours, Dana Tamanchi recently chalked the cover of O Magazine for the February 2012 issue. This is the first hand drawn issue of O Magazine, and we are very excited that it was done […]

Another...Hot Water Bottle Cover

Another…Hot Water Bottle Cover

  With some zippy sewing – and the added ease of repeat production, I finished Maya’s Matryoshka hot water bottle cover yesterday. As you can see it is identical to Elle’s hot water bottle cover in design, but with different fabrics. This one is as trifty as the last, using another old change pad cover […]

Maya's Prolific Drawings

Maya’s Prolific Drawings

During Maya’s last week of school before we left for Australia her teacher gave her an artist quality drawing book with instructions to draw and write in it while she was away. Maya obviously listened seriously to him as she filled every single page before returning back to school! I have to admit, this was […]

Hot Water Bottle Cover

Hot Water Bottle Cover

You may have noticed last week was quiet on my blog – it was because I was busy fulfilling my New Year’s resolution to sew more for the Girls. You might recall the folk skirt I completed, as well as two other skirts I have not yet shown, and now this – Matryoshka hot water […]

Little Wategos, NSW

Little Wategos, NSW

One of the best things about being back on the North Coast, was the easy access to numerous amazing beaches. I can’t talk enough about the beaches in this region – they are breathtaking. During the month we were back, I tired to visit many of the beaches that I grew up with, the first […]

Winter Woods

Winter Woods

It was a stark contrast leaving the Australia Summer and landing in cold barren New Jersey Winter. Thankfully we had Christmas to look forward to, which made leaving tropical paradise much easier. Since then we have settled back into life here and embraced the season, which means that we try and do the same things […]

The Farm

The Farm

When we arrived back in Australia, one of the first things I wanted to do was to go to the farm. This is the farm that I grew up with, and lived on during varies stages of my upbringing. My Grandparents bought this farm not long after they immigrated from America to Australia in 1969. […]

1st Sunrise At Grandma's

1st Sunrise At Grandma’s

One of the positive things about jet lag, is waking to see sunrise. For the entire first week of our trip to Australia (and then some), the Girls and I woke at dawn. I had not seen the sun rise for a long while and I really enjoyed the morning light. Together we sat on […]

Christmas In Our Kitchen

Christmas In Our Kitchen

The sweet aromatic warmth from our kitchen this week means one thing: freshly baked batches of Christmas cookies! Snowballs (aka Mexican wedding cakes) and gingerbread men were on my to do list for this festive season and so Tuesday and Wednesday we were busy baking. Elle and I went to work while Maya was at […]



We made snowflakes this week, as is our Christmas tradition. Usually I put them up on the windows in our living space, but there was a lot of decoration happening already in the Living/dinning/kitchen rooms and so they went on the Windows of the Girls room. The Girls have four windows, and I put snowflakes […]


Letting you all know that I have added my instagram photo stream in the side bar…see that new big instagram heading …yes, on the right…yes, now click on the link…that’s it…now you can have sneak peaks into our world before it hits the blog. Bellow is a small selection of the hundreds of photos I […]

Trimming The Tree

Trimming The Tree

The tree is up! Feeling a great sense of accomplishment for having flown across the world on my own with two children after a month of non stop adventures…only to come home and hit the ground running. Seven large (did I say LARGE?) suitcase unpacked and put away. Loads (did I say LOADS?) of laundry […]

We're back!

We’re back!

Ooooo….it is so hard to come off a super holiday. I have to sweep out the cobwebs that have formed from the weeks of not journaling – this, and the enormity of all that I want to share from our trip to Australia makes it difficult to know where to start. So to have some […]

Elle's 1st Chrsitmas Spectacular

Elle’s 1st Chrsitmas Spectacular

To send us off on our holiday in iconic New york style, Cam organised for us to go to the Christmas Spectacular. I was so excited when he phoned me and said “Do you want to go the the Christmas Spectacular before you leave?”. I had thought we would miss out on going before we […]

Wednesday Hike

Wednesday Hike

We had our last hike with Anneliese and Children today. It was a sweet farewell to our friends who I will not see again for almost 5 weeks. We will really miss them during the time we are away and so very much look forward to resuming our Wednesday Hikes upon our return. I did […]

Tooth Fairy Pillow

Tooth Fairy Pillow

No, it is not quite that time in our house yet, although it wont be long! I made this little tooth fairy house pillow for a friend’s daughter for her Birthday. We have been incredibly blessed with new friends since moving to Montclair, and  yesterday we to a really fun party to celebrate a sweet […]



Hallowe’en…the eve when the veil between the spirit world and life as we know it is at its thinnest. The night when you are most likely to see the walking dead, the ghoulish and the wicked…or in our case some really cute kids dressed up in adorable costumes! With thanks to my Mother for helping […]

October Blizzard

October Blizzard

Remember the Halloween Weekend Snow Storm of 20011? Right, the one last weekend! Well anyway you get the point, this was a snow storm to remember. For us it will go down in history for a few reasons, firstly is that it cancelled Elle’s Woodland Mushroom Birthday Party, then all the other things like, the […]