Healing Bag

Healing Bag

Last week I joined a Waldorf Home Schooling group, but as it turned out most of the members are an hour drive away, so a little too far for us to join in on the weekly gatherings. I am however enjoying the weekly group emails, and invites, and even though I am not physically attending […]

Sea World, QLD

Sea World, QLD

Ok now, before Spring officially arrives here, I am going to get back to blogging about our trip to Australia, where we were lucky to enjoy a month of beautiful Spring there. I feel blessed to have been able to skip a month of the cold North American Fall and replace it with balmy sub […]

Snowflake Easter Eggs

Snowflake Easter Eggs

When Spring approaches and the last snow for the season seems to have passed, we take down our paper snowflakes and turn them into Easter eggs. It is always sad to see our pretty wintry snowflakes go, but the positive thoughts of spring quickly come to mind and we know Spring brings so much beauty […]

Bay Of Fundy & Alma, NB

I am a little embarrassed to admit, I did not know about the Bay of Fundy before our trip to Canada, was planned. After hearing about it, it seemed as though it was remarkable and I should have known…anyway, I know about it now, and can share it with you, in case you too had […]

PicFrame App

PicFrame App

Hello Instagram friends, I am using a new app that is so exciting I have to blog about it. I know some you out there are having a lot of fun with Instagram and I think you will love this app I came across called Picframe. For those of you like myself that take a lot […]

Molasses Bread

Molasses Bread

My Grandmother spent almost a week at our house after our trip to Canada. As I have mentioned a few times, Grandma came all the way to New York from Australia, then up to Canada, and then back to New Jersey, with a broken foot, and so her week spent with us was not about […]

Hopewell Rocks, NB

Hopewell Rocks, NB

“Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, this is amazing, quick, take a photo, ahhhh!…quick take another photo. Oh my goodness, this is amazing. Where has everyone gone? Oh, I had better catch up….quick take another photo….oh my goodness!” This is the mental chatter you would have heard if you were present inside my head at […]

Moncton, Canada

Moncton, Canada

Here I am! I have zipped off to for a four day solo trip to attend the wedding of my Brother, to his fiance Natalie –  from Canada. I can understand if this comes as a surprise to you as I did not have much time to think or talk about the trip prior  – […]

Shadow Puppet Theatre

Shadow Puppet Theatre

I was carried away in a gust of inspiration on Thursday last week, and this was the outcome: a shadow puppet theatre box! What fun right? This idea must have been bubbling in my subconscious from the frequent vision of the rainbow silk silhouettes that I mentioned in my last post. I rose Thursday morning, […]

Cupid's Arrows

Cupid’s Arrows

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and so we have been busy with Valentine craft. You might recall the Feather Heart Headbands that we gave to our friends at our Valentine’s Party last year. This year Maya’s class is having a party, which we will be making cupcakes for, and I have made a Cupid’s arrow […]

Lightburn Photography

Lightburn Photography

Ooooo, so exciting, here they are already, our images from Lightburn Photography. Shelley wrote to me the evening after our photo shoot and apologised for not sending the photos straight away…something I did not expect anyway, and honestly was surprised and delighted when she sent them through Monday morning. Her words were something of the sort: […]

Our Kitchen

Our Kitchen

Yesterday a photographer friend of mine, Lightburn Photography came to photograph our kitchen. I have not seen this friend for almost 15 years but through the world of facebook, reunions have become so much easier and more frequent. As it turns out, my friend now lives in Brooklyn, not far from where we used to live […]

The Gold Coast

The Gold Coast

This trip we had reason to stay on the Gold Coast as we were attending my cousin Susan’s wedding and I am happy to say, we really enjoyed our time there. The Gold Coast, or the Goldie as many happen to call it, is the coastal area of QLD about 90km south of Brisbane, stretching […]

Porridge Please

Porridge Please

Please Porridge Please porridge hot, please porridge cold, Please Porrige in the pot, nine days old; Some like it hot, some like it cold, Some like it in the pot, nine days old. One of our favorite things to eat in Winter (besides soup) is porridge. Maya has eaten porridge for breakfast 43 days straight, […]

The Snow Came At Last

The Snow Came At Last

With two recent posts displaying warm weather attire, you might be thinking that I am in denial about my mid Winter existence. I have to say though, this is just not (entirely) the case. I certainly look forward to warmer weather days – oh yes I do, and my mind is bubbling with images of […]

Belt Loop Tee

Belt Loop Tee

Today I finished sewing this tee for Maya. I brought this knit fabric home with me from cleaning out Mum’s house. I recall this fabric being in our green sewing supplies chest of drawers when we lived at Darcy Drive, which makes it maybe 20 -25 years old. I am not exactly sure if this […]

Fox Kit

Fox Kit

With a cozy snowed in weekend, we enjoyed being tucked away indoors occupied with wintry activities. Maya started early with a snow inspired puppet show. I love to see her setting up a puppet show, and always offer my help so her ideas flourish. The main character of this puppet show was a fox that […]

Love Mae Melamine Tumblers

Love Mae Melamine Tumblers

I needed a few melamine cups to take with us on Winter hikes and I found some cute options at Love Mae, which I just adore. These tumblers are perfect as they feel solid like a ceramic mug, but are not breakable, and are without handles so stack well. I bought two each of the flower bed, […]