Happy Easter

Happy Easter

They went to sleep with out a peep tonight! Easter eve is so very exciting. Sweet little voices called out, “Goodnight Mama, I love you”. To which I always reply “I love you”.  None of the prolonged cuddles, or untucked sheets, or empty water bootles, tonight it was heads on pillows with sleep as soon as […]

Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns are a tradition my husband and I grew up with in Australia. The buns are sold by the dozen in Australian supermarkets leading up to Easter, and eating them at Easter was a part of our childhood culture. Hot cross buns are delicious and I wanted them to be a part of […]

Easter Wheatgrass

Easter Wheatgrass

When our girls grow up and remember their childhood Easters, they will likely think of wheatgrass. Similarly, when our girls grow up and drink wheatgrass, they will likely think of Easter. We are a little wheatgrass crazy this time of year, can’t get enough of the gorgeous green stuff. I started growing wheatgrass for Easter […]

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs

My goodness, Easter is upon us and here I am doing my first Easter post. I apologize for not getting to this sooner, but you still have time my friends to make natural dye and colour eggs before Easter Sunday! My Grandmother dyed eggs naturally when I was a child and this year I felt to […]

Catalogue Paper Dolls

Catalogue Paper Dolls

As a follow on from my last post – about trying not to buy, buy, buy, and being inventive and creative instead, I came up with this little project for the girls. Despite my knowing that catalogues are produced with the purpose of making purchases happen, I still subscribe to numerous catalogues. I intend on […]

Pom Poms

Pom Poms

Everyone loves pom poms right? They are so fluffy and soft and cute. They are one of the things in life that really are not necessary, but they make life fun and pretty (I am sure there are those of you out there that think a pom pom is a necessary object!) Anyway, they are […]

A Cute Collar

A Cute Collar

I was inspired last week with an image I saw by friends at Papeir Mache Magazine and so I went to work making a collar for my girls. I combined this idea with hand painting fabric – another idea that had been floating in my mind. I started hand painting fabric when some of our screen prints […]

Snow Cave By Candle light

Snow Cave By Candle light

We had the first solid snow of Winter hit last weekend. Snow storm Nemo came, bringing with it lots of snow along with some inspiration and motivation. I was up early on Saturday morning after the blizzard and out the front door by 7am. I love to go for a walk before the snow plows […]

Valentine's Day Bookmarks

Valentine’s Day Bookmarks

Happy Valentine’s Day! What a sweet day! This year we made bookmarks for Maya’s class as a Valentine gift. 1st grade is all about learning to read and so I thought it appropriate that we make “I love Reading” bookmarks. Useful and cute, and not too lovey dovey to give out to friends. Maya also […]

Quilted Vest

Quilted Vest

This week (in the midst of our bathroom renovation process) I made a quilted vest for Maya. I drafted the vest pattern off the little red vest that you may recall Elle wearing. The vest was once a coat (see photos of the girls wearing it when they were little) that I made into a […]

Bathroom Revovations Are Fun

Bathroom Revovations Are Fun

Oh yes, we know how to make the best of a situation. We are loving our new zen water feature in the entrance foyer, totally adding to the good feng shui of our home. We are also loving our new bathing routine, which involves warming the kitchen with the oven and bathing babes in the […]

Unexpected Bathroom Renovations

Unexpected Bathroom Renovations

Today was not a usual Saturday for us. I woke to the sound of a loud crack and I thought something had fallen off a wall. A few minutes later the smoke alarm went off. It was in that moment, despite being woken from a deep sleep, I instinctively jumped out of bed. I ran down […]

Nice Totes For Sale

Nice Totes For Sale

I have had a busy and exciting week, and feels good to be able to say, I have been getting things done! The first goal I set myself this week was to turn some screen printed swatches into small tote bags. The second goal I set myself was to market them. Now the third goal, […]

Pinspiration Overload

Pinspiration Overload

  Oh Pintrest, what are you doing to me! Eek, I have Pinspiration overload! This is a term I made up (but I am sure someone else made it up too!), that means I pin so much, and see so many beautiful things, that I become stuck in the stimulation of it all…and don’t do […]

Soho Grateful For This LIfe...

Soho Grateful For This LIfe…

Wow, I have just had another long blog break. Couldn’t keep the momentum going after Christmas. This time of year when the days are short and grey, I have to use all of my positive life force to stay on top of it. It is amazing how weather can effect your whole being, and I […]

Trimming The Perfect Tree I Did Not Want

Trimming The Perfect Tree I Did Not Want

Oh it really is Christmas! Yay! I love this time of year, and getting a Christmas tree is one of the best days of the festive season…well it should be…but you know how life is, sometimes it just isn’t so. This year we had intentions of cutting down a tree, rather than buying a pre-cut […]

Dish Towels

Dish Towels

Now if you are part of my family – don’t read this, or it will spoil the surprise! I like to have a handmade Christmas gift to give my family each year. Last year we gave them needle felted toadstools, and this year they will recieve screen printed dish towels. Last week I had a little […]

Another Painting

Another Painting

I finished this painting today…Bountiful Peacock…the third painting in what seems to be a series. He looks like a story book Character don’t you think? “The bountiful peacock was a proud fellow, blessed with so much beauty…but silly him thought he needed more…”

Water Colour Paintings

Water Colour Paintings

This week I have found some quiet time to sit and paint…well actually it was not really that quiet around here, always talkative girls with me…but maybe it was quiet within… painting seems to brings a clam to my mind – regardless of what is going on around me, and I really do need that. I […]

Christmas Gift Wrap

Christmas Gift Wrap

I have been having some fun this year making gift wrap! A few hand made rubber stamps, some Wholefoods bags and a roll of ikea paper and tada…Christmas gift wrap! There is really not much to explain to the process. I carved stamps using the Speedball Carve block, and stamped using these stamp pads. An easy […]