Wovenplay Boutique Opening

Wovenplay Boutique Opening

When I was a child we would often visit the Arts and Industrial Estate in Byron Bay. It was always an exciting outing because we would go to the studios of Artists that were making a living through arts and crafts. Sometimes if I was lucky my mother would buy me something from the sample […]

Reeves Reed Arboretum

Reeves Reed Arboretum

A short drive from New York city, in Summit NJ is a hidden gem called Reeves Reed Arboretum. It was once a privately owned estate that is now open to the public. Famous for the daffodil bowl which is in fact a hillside curved like a bowl, full of daffodils. There is a path to […]

It Is Almost Maypole

It Is Almost Maypole

With maypole only a week away, it means it is time to stop and smell the flowers! Maypole, which happens on May Day  (May 1st) is a day full of lovely traditions. It is a day to wear flowers in your hair, sing and skip with ribbons and to leave flower offerings on the doorsteps […]

24 hours of Judgement

24 hours of Judgement

I have been struggling with judgement, judgement I have felt from others and the judgement I deal onto others. Partly it is a struggle because I know judgement can cause pain to people, and partly I struggle because having judgement feels uncontrollable and it also feels necessary. In religion they say you should not judge […]

Naturally Dyed Eggs

Naturally Dyed Eggs

There is a beauty and depth to naturally dyed eggs that gives you a connection to easter and the time of year it falls. The colours that are achievable and easily available through natural dyes are the same colours evident in the flora occurring (for us) in the natural environment. The colours and tones echo […]

Wheatgrass Easter Baskets

Wheatgrass Easter Baskets

Our annual tradition of growing wheatgrass Easter baskets is in full swing. I generally start this project 10 days before Easter. It is not a difficult thing to do, but it does require a specific method. I found this great wheatgrass tutorial a few years ago and refer to it each year. This is our […]

Le Carrousel

Le Carrousel

It was lovely to connect with Marie Laure recently and have a chat about her children’s clothing label Le Carrousel. Marie lives and works in France with her husband and four children, where she balances motherhood and the running of her brand Le Carrousel. Marie is passionate about children’s fashion and is creating her line […]

Snowflake Easter Eggs

Snowflake Easter Eggs

  On Spring equinox we remove the Winter snowflakes and make them into Easter eggs. This was one of those projects that happened naturally by putting  1 + 1 together and by being inspired to work with what we’ve got. I love the recycled aspect of this craft as the paper snowflakes we made in […]

On the Cusp of Change

On the Cusp of Change

The girls and I woke to a freezing cold house, the two of them snuggled in my bed. The cold was making them agitated and restless, but their childish exuberance always wins and they giggle with faces pressed together making plans for play. My gloom is like a rock that can not be shifted and […]

Create A Family Mural

Create A Family Mural

Creating a family mural has been the best thing about this winter. Wintering near NYC, for us means a lot of indoor time and as winter comes around I always wonder what it will be that we apply our creativity to. As I child my mother always had a roll of butcher’s paper on hand, […]

Sew A Stick Crown

Sew A Stick Crown

Playing with sticks is the best. Here is a sweet crown you can make from found sticks, a scrap of fabric and string. A very simple project, that takes little more than inspiration and time. I made this in two sittings of an hour each. Allow two hours to make a crown like above…collect and […]

The Best Snow Cave

The Best Snow Cave

We had snow snow, so much snow this Winter which meant that we were able to make not just one, but two snow caves! We outdid ourselves on the second one, which had a sculptural quality and ended looking (with much amusement to Cam)  like a giant boob! who doesn’t like a giant snow boob […]

The Air We Breathe

The Air We Breathe

An article I wrote to increase environmental awareness.  Published in Issue 7  of Papier Mache Magazine. I made the leaf cape from collected red and golden maple leaves to accompany the article. Photo by Adam Weiss. The Air We Breathe Imagine living a life free of concern for the environment. Imagine feeling confident that the […]

Musings on Instagram

Musings on Instagram

There are certain characteristics that I possess, that has made Instagram a larger part of my life than I ever imagined, and it is not my ability to take photos, it is my ability to be really into something, dare I say it, *addicted*. Due to the strong feeling and compulsion I have had around Instagram, […]

Mike Kelley At PS1

Mike Kelley At PS1

One of the great thing about being close to NYC is being able to see amazing exhibitions. Now that we are homeschooling I try and make a point of going to the city for the day at least once a month. A day at a museum or gallery is so enriching for us all. I […]

Measuring Stick Of Adornment

Measuring Stick Of Adornment

Children are beautiful no matter what, but it is the desire of many adults to adorn children, and perhaps equal is the desire for children to play make-believe and adorn themselves. Regardless of the reason, children are adorned. Adorned, across cultures in varying degrees, in ritual and in celebration, because of fears and folklore, because […]

Snow Cave

Snow Cave

We had the largest snow of the season last night, and so I woke this morning with intentions to build a snow cave. I was delighted when I looked out the bedroom window to see a foot of fresh clean snow. A cup of tea and a bowl of porridge later, I was outside clearing […]

Farewell 2013

Farewell 2013

As we bid farewell to 2013, it is like sealing a time capsule and sending it off into space. I look back and choose the favorite photographs and creations, and compile them into a neat grid and say, this was 2013. This is it, this is my energy bottled…I look at it and then let […]

Leaf Peepers

Leaf Peepers

Oh yes, I love when inspiration strikes, and I love when the journey of the inspiration feels pure and good. For me inspiration comes about from an interaction with my children or the environment, or both! While we were in Australia Maya was climbing in a magnificent old tree each day. This tree had wonderful […]

Collecting Earth Friendly Toys

Collecting Earth Friendly Toys

When Elle was one, we started collecting Holtziger wooden animals. I do not recall how we came across them, but from the moment Elle had that little wooden squirrel, we knew these were toys worthy of a collection. Each animal is hand made, and painted with non toxic paint. They feel good, and they smell […]