We are excited to announce the release of the new Ace & Jig children’s collection, available exclusively online at Ace & Jig. You can count on Ace & Jig for a creative jive with fabrics and textures an extension of the beautiful souls behind the brand, Cary Vaughan and Jenna Wilson. The perfect combination of colorful comfort, in effortless elegant woven cotton. Plenty of room for movement and growth and hours of imaginative play.
Notes About this shoot: I made these silk lengths to tie on our wedding pews all those years ago and the girls like playing with the silks so they hang out in our play baskets. When we were making naturally dyed easter eggs, I decided to dye some silks too. I happened to do three…(cabbage, onion and grape juice) then when this gorgeous dress arrived, the colors of it sparked a little light, and suddenly i was laying the silks over the dress, to take in the lovliness of it all. Just like that I had the idea to braid them, and make Elle into a little long haired character we adore. Elle loved the silky braid, so light and long, trailing behind her.”I want to grow my hair this long really!” she exclaimed… trailing it behind her through the house. With masses of wheatgrass growing for our Easter editorials, it fed nicely into the fairytale of little Rapenzel that gets to expereince the joy of grass, after growing up in her tower. Our earthy contemporary take on the fairytale…
Thank you Ace & Jig
Love when inspiration strikes like that. And I’m sure that the braid beats any toy! Beautiful photos, as always, Kirsten. x
Thank you so much Natalie! Have a lovely weekend. xo