Around this time of Spring in New York City there is an abundance of flowers. It seems like everything is in bloom. For a few week around the end of April and the first weeks of May, everywhere you look you are likely to see garden beds and trees radiant with spring colours. The colour pink is particularly prevalent, so for me it is like wearing rose coloured glasses. It lifts my mood and makes me feel on top of the world. There is nothing like the burst of pink to chase away the Winter blues…
Sadly the pretty pink blossoms do not last forever, and sometimes in the space of a week they go from buds to blossoms to dropped petals. Each phase of the cycle is beautiful and we find joy in it from beginning to end. We currently have so many varieties of blooming trees in our neighbourhood that the street scape is cloud upon cloud of pinkish mass. Today upon returning home from the park, we pulled up alongside a blooming tree we have been watching daily to discover a blanket of pink petals beneath it. These are the same flowers that have featured in my very favorite photos of Maya from May, 2010. Maya quickly ran to the pink spread, not being able to resist the power of the petals…and of course I quickly ran to get the camera!
Looks a little like soft pink snow flakes ….