It is my own personal rule that within two weeks of Christmas or a Birthday, thank you cards should be sent out…now sometimes this does not happen as life can get hectic…but I think it is really am important lesson for the Children to sit down and reflect on the gift they were given by whom. Showing appreciation for a gift by way of card, letter or art helps the Children learn to value the objects and the sentiment behind them. The Girls have come to view ‘thank you notes’ as a fun activity. Maya has become very good at this task and now that she can draw and write takes great pride in her thank you creations. Making each card unique and special for the recipient. Today the Girls worked on joint Christmas thank you cards. And I have to say, I think they are really beautiful! Elle painted 3 and Maya painted 5 and between all of us, we will have them in the post tomorrow…a special thank you coming your way for the lovely gifts you gave us!