For Sami

This time next week it will be the Birthday of my Niece Sami. While we can not be in Australia to celebrate with her in person we are there in spirit. I very much enjoy having a niece to spoil and each year put lots of thought into a gift for her. This year I came up with this little craft box, full of treasures and treats to delight a little (or big) girl. I cut out felt squares in all the colours we own, I filled beautiful boxes with buttons and sequins, feathers, gems, jewels and bells……I made frilly flowers and embroidered felt tidbits to become headbands, clips or whatever she desires. There is rainbow glitter and puzzles pieces, and pins and needles in a homemade cup cake pin-cushion. There are ribbons and thread and yarn, baubles and beads and so much more! I put it all together in an adorable cream suitcase that I decorated with paper cut-out birds. Wouldn’t you just have loved getting this box when you were a little girl….Wishing a Happy 6th Birthday to our Sami girl!

The great thing about a gift like this, is that you can put as little or as much into it as you would like. All the bits and pieces can and do add up and so it helps if you already have craft supplies at home to draw from. For example, with the felt, I was able to cut squares from felt I already owned. I did however buy a lot as I myself am inspired by craft supplies and enjoy shopping for such things. What makes this all the more special was being able to incorporate hand made things to make the gift unique and that really only cost me my time and creative energy. Hope you are inspired by this gift idea. Here is the surprising cost breakdown…..more than I thought, but worth it!

Craft Box

suitcase $8

decorative boxes $8:50

decorative paper $2:50

card stock $3:95

iridescent Glitter $20

embroidery ring $3:95

doll body $1:50

crotchet flower $4:50

embroidery thread and yarn $8

pins and needles $2:75

miscellaneous items: felt, buttons, beads, gems etc $20

Total: $83:75

2 thoughts on “For Sami

  1. Thank you Auntie Kirsten!
    I love it. it is a very special present.
    Do you think you could fit yourself in the box too so you can help me make things!
    lots of love Samixxxx

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