One of the things that always grew in our Family garden was rhubard. Planted in a line along the starberry patch, it grew all year round. Grandma often made a sweet rhubard sauce that we would eat on it’s own or with home made custard, and sometimes we would have apple and rhubarb pie. I really enoy eating rhubard, and know that at this time of year (especially) it is the perfect thing to eat to keep the change of season cold away. Healthwise, rhubarb is considered a good source of calcium, fiber and vitamin C. Despite masquerading as a delectable desert option, this astringent root vegetable (that’s right, it is a vegetable!) rhubard helps reduce cholesterol, decrease hot flashes in menopausal women and protect against infection. It is very easy to cook and makes a great breakfast or dessert.
Sweet Rhubard Sauce
fresh stalks of rhubarb
Chop the rhubarb stalks as you would celery. Put it in a saucepan and add a small amount of water so that the bottom of the pot is covered and the rhubard is still slightly out of the water. Rhubabrd has a high water content so you want to have enough water for is to cook, but not too much so that is is too wet. Add the sugar. I used 1/4 cup of sugar to three cups of rhubard. You can use as much or as little sugar as you like depending on how sweet you like it. You can also add a cinnamon stick while cooking. Cook for about 10minutes until the rubabrd has broken up and has become a stringy ‘apple sauce’ consistency. Eat hot or cold!