This is the Lower East Side apartment we lived in before moving to Park Slope. Our cool Manhattan dwelling, prior to falling pregnant with Elle and moving to Brooklyn. It was located on Clinton and Rivington, and little did we know how hip the neighbourhood was. I organised the fully furnished apartment sublet through Craigslist from Australia. We had not seen the apartment but signed the lease in good faith. It turned out to be a wonderful spot to live, which we really enjoyed. A good sized 1500 sq ft loft like place, big bright living space, three large bedrooms, walk in robe, two bathroom and  roof top access. I could walk to Soho and have hot chocolate at Dean & Deluca and Cam was a short subway ride to work at Union Square. While we are getting close to moving into our third home in NYC, it is nice to take the time to reflect on the steps we have made since moving from Byron Bay.

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